Saturday, February 10, 2018

The Four Pillars of the Green Party

Reminder-A critical meeting


Harris County Green Party via 

6:05 PM (21 hours ago)
to me
Green Party of Texas

Calling all Greens,
As announced at the January General membership meeting, the Harris County Green Party will host our first annual review, on Saturday February 10 at the Haven Center, 1827 Alabama St Houston, TX 77006 (between Woodhead and Driscoll), beginning at 10 am until 2 pm; Please plan to arrive around 930 - 945 am so the program may begin on time. 
This review is intended for all Harris County residents who identify with the values of the Green Party and wish to be a part of our local Green Party chapter. Particularly we are calling for all officers and committee chairs, all those who would like to become an officer or committee chair, and all those who regularly attend the Harris County Green Party General Membership meetings and are involved in any other Green Party activity. 
It's no secret there has been a lot of dysfunction and disagreement over the past many months during our meetings. A large portion of this program, following the review, will be spent working with Karen Starz of Non-Violent Communications; she is an experienced 3rd party facilitator and will work with us during the Conflict Resolution portion of our program. We cannot move forward together if we cannot agree to work with the genuine intention to do so.  This program is intended to get us all to a place where we can move forward together with sincerity and integrity, according to our values. We hope to see you all there. 
Beginning at 10 am, our program will Review our policies and guide lines. There have been a lot of changes to the bylaws over the past year or so and it will be good for everyone to go over them together. We will read over the documents and have brief discussion as needed to clarify any question or misunderstandings of what has just been read. The discussion is meant to clarify what currently is in place.  Any discussion of what should be or could be changed will be discussions for another day.  We thank you all for respecting that, so we can get though the day's agenda.  
Beginning at 10 am until 2 pm:
Review and Discuss the 10 Key Values of the Green Party (with special emphasis on the Respect for Feminine Values and Grassroots Democracy), Review and discuss the HCGP Code of Conduct and the HCGP By-Laws; we will then review the rules and processes for the upcoming Green Party conventions that begin March 13, and finally work on Conflict Resolution. We will take a break or two as needed.  We're working on some light refreshments. 
Thank you
JosH Darr & The Harris County Green Party

Harris County Green Party
Green Party of Texas · Houston, TX, United States
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