Monday, February 5, 2018


Melania, the Illegal Alien

There is a Trump problem in New York.  Back in the day, as so many stories begin, I used to work in New York.  I am not a stranger to the “fashion scene” or those involved in modeling at the highest levels, well beyond Melania’s limited career.

Here’s the rub.  First of all, those who worked with Melania liked her.  She was “green,” needed some repairs, and may or may not have escaped unpleasantness in Slovenia.

What is known is that she was working in New York long before she held a green card, long before she applied for anything.  She came to New York, according to sources, as so many do, and began working illegally, for dirt wages, taking American jobs.

In fact, when Donald became her sugardaddy, he hired private detectives (Mossad/KGB guys) to silence those she worked with and buy back what was at least two years of illegal work in New York, work that made her an illegal alien taking American jobs.

Now we won’t know about this until someone wants to come forward but this isn’t a big secret.  I can’t even say that Trump covering this up, spending cash, having people threatened with legal action or even murder, doesn’t have a romantic ring to it.

Other claims repeated in Politico, not a favorite of mine, and other DC gossip rags is that an examination of her citizenship papers will slow inaccuracies that necessitate her immediate deportation.  Politico says she doesn’t have the college degree she says she has.

Personally, I am not sure I should care with the only exception the hypocrisy of dumdum Donald. I have run into people who worked with her professionally in 1995 when she wasn’t here.

This reminds me of all the phony Vietnam vets who have no photos of themselves or who borrow stories from others, the whiners about airport spitting and such.  A true story, I was having one of those PTSD days, on a flight from Cairo to Paris.  I was in Egypt working for the government there doing security analysis on Port Said with Jim Hanke, former Bright Star commander. (insider thing)

With me was the head of one of France’s intel agencies, part of the UAE financed group, Colonel ReXXXXXX.  While getting off the plane, half dazed and sick of fighting with Air France Cairo over baggage and seating, an airport security guy grabbed me.  The next thing I remember is being told to stop killing him.  It seemed he was off the ground and running out of oxygen. (real story)

This is where the airport thing comes in.   Imagine spitting on a combat Marine, then or now, and not having them kick you to death.  If police came, tell me whose side they would be on?

How much lying goes on?  With Donald and Melania, my guess, and call it a guess only, is that she is illegal.  Hey, she is old but still a cute girl.  I say keep her here and get rid of Donald but what do I know?

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