WASHINGTON (AP) — Ivanka Trump says she believes her father's denials of sexual misconduct, arguing that questions to her on the topic are "pretty inappropriate."
Trump serves as a senior adviser in President Donald Trump's administration and just led the U.S. delegation at the closing ceremony for the 2018 Pyeongchang Games. She made the comments in an interview with NBC that aired Monday.
Asked about the allegations of inappropriate behavior against the president, Ivanka Trump said: "I think it's a pretty inappropriate question to ask a daughter if she believes the accusers of her father when he's affirmatively stated there's no truth to it."
"I believe my father, I know my father," she said. "I think I have that right as a daughter, to believe my father."
The president has denied accusations of misconduct.
His daughter has promoted herself as an advocate of women and families within the administration — a role that has come with unique challenges and calculations, given the allegations against her father and some of his public comments about women.
She played a diplomatic role on her visit to the Olympics, visiting the Blue House in Seoul before heading to Pyeongchang. In her remarks, Ivanka Trump said she was in South Korea to celebrate the Olympics and to reaffirm the U.S. commitment to a "maximum pressure campaign to ensure that the Korean Peninsula is denuclearized."
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- Yuen28 minutes agoMueller! Mueller! Mueller! MAGA! MAGA! MAGA! God bless Mr. Mueller!
- Pete58 minutes agoOf course she says that but I wouldn't be surprised if Ivanka has seen things with first hand knowledge of her father's adultery and assaults over the years. The fact you Trump people just write this off as fake news is pretty laughable and quite ignorant. It's really strange the things you people chose to believe over what you continue to deny of Donald despite years of accusations and his own boasting of such assaults. Once again, if it's something you don't like, you consider it fake news. Sad!
- Expose Russian trolls54 minutes agoSo Stormy Danielle was paid $130,000 for not having an affair with Trump.