Tuesday, December 20, 2016

World War 3 is on the Horizon

World War I was sparked by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in 1916. But of course it wasn't just the assassination that led to WW I, as Europe itself was undergoing massive changes, and underlying tensions were barely quelled under the surface. Leaders were involved on all sides who weren't qualified to be in charge. Some were trigger happy; others naive. Some basked in the glory of war; others were too pacifist (in the beginning at least). Most were racists and felt no problems in dehumanizing 'others'. In hindsight, it was so obvious that all that was needed was one 'spark' to light the fuse of tension that lay beneath.
In light of today's assassination of the Russian ambassador to Turkey, it all sounds too familiar, and too terrifying.
Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Frankly even those who do learn from history end up repeating it. The one lesson we actually gain from history is that history does have cycles that are repetitive. Whether its because of ignorance or arrogance, history continues to repeat itself.
We ask Allah to protect us from war and to save ourselves and our families from the chaos of civil strife and bloodshed. Courtesy: Yasir Qadhi

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