Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Mansour - Football OFFICIAL VIDEO HD

Texas is divorcing from the USA because the USA has been hijacked by the Zionist Terrorist Jewish Pigs and all their god-damn fucking supporters. Texas will become a Nuclear Superpower Independent Nation in America because the courts will decide how many nuclear weapons and military equipment belongs to us Texans because alot of our tax dollars went to pay for these nuclear weapons and military equipment. I am James Partsch-Galvan and I god-damn fucking approve this message because I am the Green Party Candidate for US Congress Texas 29th Congressional District this year — with Tara OsbornMichael Skippy MeltonGalileoDebbie Amero Weaver,Mark HaefnerRobert HoustonKathy Saladin-SmithMarie ClaudiaMonica LaraWilliam Shane Ramsey and Rajesh Patel in Houston, Texas.

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