Is America's First Female Presidential Candidate Also Its First Occultist? Hillary Clinton's Disturbingly Eerie Past (Youtube)
November 6th, 2016
Is America's First Female Presidential Candidate Also Its First Occultist? Hillary Clinton's Disturbingly Eerie Past (Youtube)
Posted by: Barry
Published on November 6th, 2016 @ 08:09:00 pm , using 1292 words,
Published on November 6th, 2016 @ 08:09:00 pm , using 1292 words,
CRN Politics
By Barry Secrest
Dr. Drew, a clinical physician with years of broadcast experience, seems now genuinely afraid [of something] after his show got prematurely canceled for questioning Hillary's health, and despite his being a big non-fan of Donald Trump.
In fact, Dr. Drew is apparently so terrified of Hillary and her supporters that he refused to even discuss them and their actions any further, he just wants them to "go away."
The good doctor, on August the 2nd, had previously appeared on a cable news show in which he and another CNN talking head actually discussed the possibility that Donald Trump and many millions of his supporters might be suffering from various forms of psychological disorders, including narcissistic defects.
So, what happened after Dr. Drew only questioned Clinton's Health ?
"I just want them to go away" was his semi-hysterical response.
It was as if he was being attacked by demonic entities or at least something along those lines--which wouldn't exactly surprise many of us, at least those of us within the opposition, at this point.
“It was downright scary and creepy,” a source close to Dr. Drew said, while in the course of discussing the nasty emails, and downright mean phone calls, and certain other creepy events that followed.
But, why the words "creepy & scary?"
Moreover, it's not just Dr. Drew who seemed to be using words normally associated with horror movies, when discussing Hillary and her otherworldly cult of supporters.
Oddly enough, Julian Assange of Wikileaks actually used the word "demon" to describe Hillary Clinton in a recent press interview:
While the list of various attributes associated with Hillary Clinton tends to run the gamut, the words "demon" and "demonic" have only been recently used but seem well beyond appropriate, at this point.
Indeed, most who fall under the Democrat persuasion tend to be terrified of ending up on Hillary Clinton's fabled "Hit List" where Clinton, oddly enough, keeps a tally of both friends and friendly enemies.
The trail of corpses associated with Hillary's political rise over these past many years could even now be seen to be as approaching the realm of terror formerly associated only with political/horror films such as "The Omen," where a seminal political figure rises in the end times aided primarily by demonic entities.
His rise, by the way, coincided with an untimely trail of corpses who also died in theatrically difficult to explain ways.
Notable too is the fact that Hillary has, for a fact, taken part in the occult & the channeling of entities, as recounted by none other than famous Watergate journalist Bob Woodward, who wrote “Most people in the White House did not know about Hillary’s [paranormal] sessions with Jean Houston. … To some of the few who did, the meetings could trigger politically damaging comparisons to Nancy Reagan’s use of astrology."
More notably, necromancy, the act of “talking to the Dead” is expressly forbidden, according to Biblical references.
Delving into the deep occult is never a wise thing in that it leaves one open to certain unnatural influences, which might more readily explain both Hillary’s ongoing issues and Dr. Drew's recent characterization of Hillary and her supporters attacks as both "Creepy and Scary."
But, it isn't just Dr. Drew that's worried about Hillary's otherworldly activities.
According to the FBI, "Ms Clinton was seen as the “antichrist personified” to many personnel."
And, it's not just anecdotal accounts with regard to Hillary's otherworldly connections.
A recent WkiLeaks release exposed Clinton's campaign head, John Podesta, as a follower of famous Satanic ritualist-occultist Marina Abramovic.
According to the website Polizette:
"A June 2015 conversation between Podesta and famed performance artist and occultist Marina Abramović proves such scenarios are chillingly real."
“Dear Tony,” wrote Abramović. “I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place. Do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining?”Abramović’s “Spirit Cooking” is little more than a series occult rituals and spells, some of which include blood sacrifice, video footage suggests. One of Abramović’s ritual spells included in her book, “Spirit Cooking,” calls for the mixing of “fresh breast milk with fresh sperm milk” to “drink on earthquake nights.”
"Abramović herself does not consider Spirit Cooking to be simple art and is clear it is occult magic.""Everything depends on which context you are doing what you are doing," "If you are doing the occult magic in the context of art or in a gallery, then it is the art. If you are doing it in a different context, in spiritual circles or private house or on TV shows, it is not art," she said. Abramović is explicit — her Spirit Cooking, when done in the context of a private house such as her own, is not art, but something much more serious.
"The revelation of Podesta's participation in ritual occult magic raises serious questions about his morals. It could also explain the Clinton campaign's barely disguised antipathy toward the Catholic Church."
Indeed, According to an article that appeared in the Washington Post, in March of 2015, the Clinton's were initially exposed to the occult in 1975, in the form of a Voodoo ritual, which uses the channeling of spirits, otherwise known as possession, to achieve power.
"Bill Clinton wrote that "the most interesting day of the trip" came when he, Hillary and Edwards got a chance to see voodoo in practice in a village near Port-au-Prince. The priest was Max Beauvoir, a former chemical engineer who had studied at the Sorbonne in Paris. Beauvoir had abandoned that career when his voodoo-priest grandfather died and named him as his successor."
"Beauvoir gave the three visitors what Clinton described as a "brief course in voodoo theology." And then the late-afternoon ceremony began." Clinton wrote:
"After several minutes of rhythmic dancing to pounding drums, the spirits arrived, seizing a woman and a man. The man proceeded to rub a burning torch all over his body and walk on hot coals without being burned. The woman, in a frenzy, screamed repeatedly, then grabbed a live chicken and bit its head off. Then the spirits left and those who had been possessed fell to the ground."
"Clinton further wrote that his "brief foray into the world of voodoo" furthered his fascination, the trip to Haiti also came at a pivotal time for Clinton himself."
"By the time we got back from Haiti, I had determined to run for attorney general," Clinton recalled. This time, he won -- and was on his way to the White House. One lesson he took from Haiti, he wrote: "The Lord works in mysterious ways."
According to another top website, Infowars, the story doesn't end even there.
Clinton insider Larry Nichols told Infowars that Hillary Clinton used to attend a “witch’s church” in Los Angeles during Bill’s presidency. Nichols recounted to Infowars last year a conversation he had with Bill Clinton, who told him Hillary was part of a witch’s coven that met in California.“I know nothing about the Bohemian Grove with Bill,” Nichols told Infowars. “I know about once a month Hillary would go out to Los Angeles. And she did it so regular that it became a bit of an issue trying to.. ‘Why’s she always going?’”
"Nichols recounts further, “Bill told me that she was going out there, she and a group of women, and she would be a part of a witch’s church. Man, when Bill told me that, she could have hit me with a baseball bat. I tried to point out to him, ‘Do you realize what would happen if that got out?’ Of course, my job was to make sure it didn’t get out.”
“Now I don’t know the day, if Hillary still partakes in the witch ritual, I don’t know that I even know what the ritual was. But for the better part of many years, Hillary would go quite often, whether it was regularly once a month, or maybe once every couple of months, she would go out on the weekend simply to be a part of it.”
"Nichols served as marketing director for the Arkansas Development Finance Authority in 1988 while Bill Clinton was governor."
Granted, all of this uncharacteristically bizarre information, without a doubt, stretches the Overton window by seminal degrees, however, with all of these annotative accounts, including those of WikiLeaks, which have proven to be 100% accurate, should not the American people know of these questions, most backed up by eyewitness accounts, including those even from star Watergate Reporter, Bob Woodward?
Where there's smoke....
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