Sunday, January 21, 2018

Why Socrates Hated Democracy

Join the Resistance

Dear James,
2018: It's a brand new year, bright and shiny like a newly-opened toy. Of course, 2017 just didn't want to end, so, like us, you probably had to use some extra tools to rip open the 2018 packaging. Now, we are three weeks into this new year and you have a resolution to keep: resisting. 
You are resolved to resist, so start the new year off by declaring your resistance: Donate $10 or more, or $5/month, to order the Resistance Trumper Sticker. Put it on something people will see like your bumper or your laptop. Be part of the movement that is eroding the confidence in Trump and his clan of cronies in the White House, calling attention to the corruption and pointing out the absurd impacts of their ridiculous policies.
[Image: DUMP TRUMP sticker]
Trump delenda est,
The Resistance

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