JFK Secret Societies Speech (full version)

Published on Oct 24, 2012
Was JFK's comment on "secret societies" a statement against the "NWO"? I searched this famous quote and finally found the full unedited written transcript and audio of this speech.

JFK was actually talking about current events of the cold war and how nontraditional enemies were gaining information on how the US was battling this war. In this speech JFK actually points out "the need for far greater "official" secrecy"...as well as "the need for a far greater public information".

JFK admits "I have no easy answer to the dilemma that I have posed," but also states, "and would not seek to impose it if I had one." This a major difference from where todays elected officials stand.

Address, "The President and the Press," Before The American Newspaper Publishers Association, 27 April 1961

Illuminati: Origins of Secret Government

    COMMENTS • 1,917

    Mary Hansen 
    They may have murdered the man, but his words live on.
    Jane Mar Brackrog 
    This is what disturbs me. On many other videos you'll find the speech edited. It's almost as if we truthers don't feel we have enough evidence to prove the point that we are indeed an oligarchy and no longer a republic. What they fail to realize is that by editing it out of context, they discredit our movement! REALLY? Must they? Thanks for posting the full version.
    cr f 
    The LAST and THE TRUE AMERICAN President...
    Kennedy was never joking in this speech, even thought these people thought he was. Karl Marx, was related to Rothschild, -a nephew I believe, and was paid by Rothschild to come up with a political system and ideology, that would hasten the arrival of the New World Order. This system was Communism. Communism and fascism are one in the same. Kennedy knew all these things. His father Joseph trained his sons well, but they were smart enough not to go around espousing "knowledge of conspiracies". He in his political and business circles had been exposed to it well, maybe even victimized by it. he saw the threat it posed to the United States. That is why Robert Kennedy also knew exactly what was going on, and was also killed. The Rothschilds could not have any Kennedy, threatening their centuries old plans. They could not have executive order 11110 passed into law; and they could not have any IAEA inspections of the Dimona Secret Nuclear Facility (illegal), as JFK wanted. People need to do their research or we are doomed as a nation and doomed as a planet. Even JFK Jr. mysteriously died years later. What were the chances of that? ....Of all generations of Kennedy male lineage in political circles (with the exception of Ted) dying or being killed?
    ultimeate ds man fan 68 
    Thanks for posting the whole speech. It's very different (in context) than the 5 minute snippet everyone plays.
    Ray Pharaoh 
    The man needs to be avenged.
    Wonder why Farage resigned after Brexit? He would end up like Kennedy.
    Chris Cruise 
    My God, he saw what's happening today. "Their" goal is to portray the truth in such a convoluted manner that anything but the truth can be conveyed as a "conspiracy theory" or be labeled as crazy and outlandish. The players are at the table and the game for the world is being waged and there is nothing we can do about it. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." "Whoever has ears ought to hear." 
    Edward Lavaden 
    Mr Kennedy, if only you could speak to our country in this day. How the world desperately needs of your wisdom.
    Amazing how JFK's speech forewarned what was to come. The importance of informing the American public with facts and unbiased information about our government, our society we live in. JFK , our president, asking the media industry and the American citizens to participate, to scrutinize and correct on how the government operates when it is wrong. Unforeseen forces that operate behind the scene, being conscious of the silent war during peaceful time. A great full packed speech & full of awareness; a great history lesson needed in today's chaos.
    Shia Lebeouf: Life Coach 
    Someone explain to me why this Speech is NOT Openly mentioned, or taught in school?. If anything, that's a conspiracy in its own right. I do like how the posh of the modern society have painted conspiracy theorists though. Anyone that has any ideas that contradict your own and your established "Proof" of said view-point is a fucking nutter. Only in America.. Anyways, LET'S HEAR IT FOR CANANDA, THE ONLY NATION TO GET IT RIGHT!.
    I respect him so much. That man had true courage :^)
    Funky Monkey 
    the irony is the press never disclosed what really happend to this man. They lied to us all, because they were told to
    mike evans 
    Imagine if he was running for the 2016 presidency. Landslide?
    Air Force Gaming 
    Why was he so hated? He was doing the right thing!
    dina bissell 
    words of our last president
    Vegan Person 
    Too many ignorant people commenting on here that are refusing to wake up. It's actually scary how people refuse to acknowledge the possibility that the world they live in is a lie. 
    Carry on sleeping guys. That's what THEY want. 
    He was talking about the Jews that are in control of most of the world today

    (Jew World Order)
    Jules Manson 
    That is among the greatest of speeches I have ever heard from a president or anyone for that matter. Can you imagine Hillary talking about transparency like Kenned did? -- never.
    It has become obvious to me, Washington has been corrupted by a widespread network of powerful, influential, extremely wealthy, well organized elite group. We need to vote them out. The Constitution of the United States is all we have left, and our vote. I have never ascribed to conspiracy theories or fear, nor purely speculative information. But we are in a grave and present danger. I propose to all for consideration, to vote not for party affiliation nor even a platform that agrees with your ethical convictions, (such as pro-choice vs pro life) but rather to vote for the future of the United States and preservation of the Constitution. I have chosen to vote for Donald Trump, who promises to uphold the Constitution, and clean up the corruption that has injured and cost every American.