Benjamin H. Freedman 1961 speech

Published on Dec 29, 2013
Frankly speaking against Zionism in 1961: Benjamin H. Freedman speech at the Willard Hotel. Transcripts:
There are also opposiing arguments
Some crazy people have taken over Wikipedia pages on B.H.Freedman:
The Truth will stand on its own merit
by Benjamin H. Freedman
Born in 1890, he was a successful Jewish businessman in New York City. He was at one time the principal owner of the Woodbury Soap Company. He defected from the Jewish movement in 1945, and spent the remainder of his life and most of his considerable fortune, at least 2.5 million dollars, exposing the Jewish tyranny which has enveloped the USA.

Freedman had been an insider at the highest levels of Jewish organizations involved in gaining power in the USA. Mr. Freedman was personally acquainted with Bernard Baruch, Samuel Untermyer, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Kennedy, and John F. Kennedy, and many more movers and shakers of our times.

Available speech transcripts

Weizmann-Balfour relationship

Balfour Declaration: (To understand what happened it's best to read all of the paragraphs)

Montagu was the second British Jew to enter the Cabinet, the inner circle of government. However, he was strongly opposed to Zionism, which he called "a mischievous political creed", and opposed the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which he considered anti-semitic and whose terms he managed to modify. In a memo to the Cabinet, he outlined his views on Zionism thus: "...I assume that it means that Mahommedans [Muslims] and Christians are to make way for the Jews and that the Jews should be put in all positions of preference and should be peculiarly associated with Palestine in the same way that England is with the English or France with the French, that Turks and other Mahommedans in Palestine will be regarded as foreigners, just in the same way as Jews will hereafter be treated as foreigners in every country but Palestine. Perhaps also citizenship must be granted only as a result of a religious test."[4] He was opposed by his cousin Herbert Samuel, a moderate Zionist who became the first High Commissioner of the British Mandate of Palestine.

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nizam jawhari 
this man was a hero !!
astroboy royale 
Notice that he never mentions the word holocaust. That's because this is 1961 and the Holohoax effort didn't really start full steam until that TV series of the 70s. I wonder how outraged this great man would've been in describing how it took the Jews 30 years to find out they had been exterminated.
Warren Yurmind 
b-b-but in high school they made us watch Schindler's List.  Why didn't they teach us about this?   or the genocide of tens of millions of Whites by communist jews in Russia?
Everyone needs to watch this............
Probably the most important speech,last century.
God bless you Mr.Freedman.
I could listen to this man all day (if I didn't have to go outside and slave for the Zionists)
will taylor 
This is singularly the most important and educational material I have ever listened to in my 52 years of life.
Rhonda Weber 
This speech should be heard in schools and again in college.
Bob McDonald 
What's a jew ?where did they come from ? Zionist jews  why are they so subhuman ? Hitler was right about the jews ,it's a shame he didn't kill them ,because a shitload came to Australia and our country is f......right up because of them / freemasons and the illegal state of Is-ra-el , all my life I wondered why they were fighting and who was right , we know it's not Israel  glad I found this out 5 yrs ago that Israel really sucks
Sacu TT 
81 jews dislike the truth since 1961
gn0me _ 
God bless you Mr. Freedman. The truth cannot be defeated.
The 2 most powerful words of 2017 will be "Fake Jews".
The opposing arguments are just cry-baby rants.

RIP Benjamin, a man of truth in an age where men are few.

What he says is 100% visible today. The US and her allies are being used to protect Israel through the Zionist lobbies in all the governments. This is obvious by them turning a blind eye to constant daily Israeli acts of terrorism as well as their constant unlimited supply of military and political aid and support. It is also seen by the West propping up and supporting dictators in the Middle East and North Africa ever since the dismantlement of the Great Ottoman Empire. Al Saud family, Gaddafi, Abdul Nasser, Sadat, Mubarak, The Assad family, Sisi, Bouteflika, Ben Ali, Bourgeiba, Maliki etc... and the labelling of all who stand up to these dictators as terrorists. Fuck Zionism and all its puppets around the world. Israel will be destroyed once its sandbags fall. And Syria is falling, and soon so will Egypt and Jordan and Lebanon hopefully.
Clearly, Freedman's lesson of history is meant to be applied in the here and now. What we call "Israel"remains exactly the same creature it was then: A nest of ruthless tribal supremacists. Unless we learn what horrific deception "the people of Israel" were cooly capable of in the past, we will be blind to what they are doing to us today. Anyone who genuinely cares about America and its fate will take heed of what timelessly golden advice Freedman was trying to give us.
Jewish usury of America is self evident esp toward Israel. They want war with Iran as they have nucleur weapon potential-JUST LIKE IRAQ HAD WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. Lies, lies & more lies.
Theres no holocaust like a big holocaust!
Hadolf Hortler 
Jewish control in the media causes wars...WW1 American involvement and Spanish American war and WW2
Ned Ryerson 
Excellent. It is sadly a forgotten speech.
Aldous Huxley 
Benjamin Freedman 1961- 146,236 views
Katy Perry I Kissed a Girl- 101,274,464 views
Perfect example of our zionist media controlling 95% of what we see and hear.
junk can 
Bless the person/people who make this available for public knowledge!  Let there be light!
The dirty lying Zionist Jews are the enemies of the entire human race.
The truth about WWII, Hitler and what really happened is right here in this speech!!