Ubtech-Alpha 1S robot

Published on Jun 30, 2015
Edutainment, your smart life companion.UBTECH-Dream With Robot

    COMMENTS • 19

    Entertainment   Educational Services
    Apparently your support for this product is really poor with you not answering emails asking for help - why is this?
    Why you dont show him walking !
    Tony Fisher 
    No offense but a tape recorder can sing and tell stories.
    Wall Art 
    The RC Collector 
    very cool, I also have one
    Psycho Mantis 
    Headstand* not somersault. "Paly kungfu" I'm guessing is "Play Kungfu"? which still makes no sense. but cool robot.
    Ceasar Langley 
    I thought this robot couldn't walk. Definitely purchasing this masterpiece.
    Ogz Tnr 
    omg so good with programable
    whiskyice you 
    loool im 30 yo but im getting one
    You have to call or text, looking to ship to usa only sory
    Brunon Dziedzic 
    I like the fact that it has alloy frame and the ease of programming,however, how is this thing intelligent or intractable in any way? it does not have a single sensor in it , not even a gyro , the wow wee toys "homosapien" will do all the walking and dancing for $60
    S Nguyen 
    I want one of this Ubtech-Alpha 1S robot!
    Im looking to sell all my robots.... Can you help me?

    Hovis eco assembled

    Bioloid premium assembled with bt410 210

    Bioloid darwin mini assembled with head servo and extra batteries

    Kondo khr3 with gamepad

    Alpha ubtech with gamepad

    Alpha 1s ubtech

    Alpha 1s ubtech

    And 2 unisrobo. One u2 one u3 versions...

    New Hovis eco assembled , bioloid premium and mini, and alpha and alpha 1s robots ,,, also have kondo but want to keep him,for sale and many other humanoids call or text me today 626-789-4045
    Brunon Dziedzic 
    +UAVAdvertising how much for the alpha s1?
    patrick dierckx 
    +Brunon Dziedzic i dont get any respons eather from uavaadvertising
    Alexsandr Kuzin 
    он может держать печатную плату для пайки???
    Andrés Mira 
    You need to improve your vídeo production!

    BTW Alpha2 looks like NAO.
    Matthew Cummings 
    please show us something on the Alpha 2!!!!