Published by the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI)
4 April 2018
UK’s Porton Down military lab head: Russia not identified as source of Skripal poisoning
By Julie Hyland, 4 April 2018
The laboratory’s statements explode the British government’s utilisation of the Skripals’ apparent poisoning to ratchet up NATO’s provocations against Moscow.
Yulia Skripal “improving rapidly”: The unravelling of the Russian Novichok narrative
In response to US-UK provocations
Russia expels US diplomats, closes consulate in St. Petersburg
The poisoning of Skripal and the campaign against Russia
Strikes by railway workers and aircrews paralyze France
By our correspondents, 4 April 2018
The striking transit workers were joined by students walking out in opposition to the Macron government’s assault on public education.
Major strikes in France challenge Macron’s right-wing reforms
Oklahoma teachers converging on capitol for third day of strike
By Jerry White, 4 April 2018
By early Tuesday evening, most of the state’s districts, including Oklahoma City and Tulsa, announced that schools would be closed Wednesday.
After 15,000 march on capitol, Oklahoma teachers’ strike enters second day
“This needs to go to all 50 states”
Oklahoma teachers call for broadening of strike
Oklahoma teachers strike as workers’ upsurge spreads in US
Build rank-and-file committees to unite with teachers in Arizona and Kentucky!
Mobilize the working class behind striking Oklahoma educators!
“This is not the civics lessons we’ve been teaching … we’re going to see more of this!”
Thousands of Kentucky teachers rally to oppose cuts
By J. Cooper, 4 April 2018
Not only teachers and school support staff, but parents, bus drivers, firefighters, emergency responders and others attended the rally at the state capitol.
Teachers’ rebellion spreads as tens of thousands strike in Oklahoma and Kentucky
Interview with a teacher from Greece: “Teachers have the same problems worldwide”
Teachers across the UK vote for industrial action
By Thomas Scripps, 4 April 2018
Representing the vast majority of teachers in the UK, the votes are a response to the catastrophic conditions prevailing in primary and secondary schools across the country.
Germany: Public service trade union announces extension of protest strikes
By Ulrich Rippert, 4 April 2018
Verdi is responding to growing anger and militancy among public employees, who refuse to accept staff reductions and increased workloads while their wages stagnate or decline.
One dead, three injured in shooting at YouTube HQ in Northern California
By Norisa Diaz, 4 April 2018
While the motive for the shooting remains unclear, what is certain is that American society continues to produce mass shootings on an almost daily basis.
As Trump talks of bringing troops home, Washington escalates aggression from Libya to Afghanistan
By Bill Van Auken, 4 April 2018
While Trump repeated his populist promise to “bring our troops home,” the reality is that the Pentagon is escalating interventions across the Middle East.
Sunday Times uses dirty tricks, slander and lies to tar Labour’s pro-Corbyn left as anti-Semitic
By Robert Stevens and Chris Marsden, 4 April 2018
The Sunday Times investigation is an exercise in McCarthyite witch-hunting, which has failed to substantiate spurious allegations of widespread anti-Semitism in the Labour Party.
German state prosecutor calls for extradition of former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont
By Ulrich Rippert, 4 April 2018
With this decision, the state prosecutor in Schleswig-Holstein is giving its backing to the Spanish government and adopting Madrid’s arguments.
Spanish parties unite to demand repression against Catalan nationalists
By Alejandro López and Paul Mitchell, 4 April 2018
The Catalan crisis is being used to criminalise all political and social opposition under conditions of intensification of the class struggle.
Explosive social conditions in Spain behind moves toward police state
Spanish judiciary accuses former Catalan President Puigdemont of “mobilising the masses”
German Socialist Equality Party demands immediate release of Carles Puigdemont
The new traditions of Germany’s armed forces: Hero memorialisation, militarism and war
By Johannes Stern, 4 April 2018
Defence Minister Ursula Von der Leyen’s speech reawakens the cult-like veneration of the fallen “war heroes” of the Kaiser’s Empire and of the period of the Nazis.
Germany’s grand coalition and the return of a police state
Regional governor Tuleev resigns in wake of Kemerovo fire in Russia
By Clara Weiss, 4 April 2018
The Kemerovo fire has brutally laid bare the class relations in Russia and triggered an ongoing political crisis.
University of Wisconsin Stevens Point students, faculty stage sit-in to protest cuts to humanities
By Jason Crosse and Christopher Davion, 4 April 2018
The proposed slashing of humanities programs to cover a comparatively modest budget shortfall comes amid immense levels of social inequality and record profits for the wealthy.
After election, Costa Rica’s ruling party announces austerity-driven “National Unity Government”
By Andrea Lobo, 4 April 2018
Polls indicated Costa Rican workers are desperately seeking an alternative to the traditional parties, their pseudo-left apologists and the ongoing austerity policies.
Vietnam: Ruling party’s anti-corruption purge continues
By John Roberts, 4 April 2018
As well as pursuing his factional opponents through the courts, General Secretary Trong has tightened his faction’s control of the state apparatus.
New in Russian
Протесты против чиновников вспыхивают после пожара в Кемерово
Клара Вайс, 4 апреля 2018 г.
Ужасающий пожар в кемеровском торгово-развлекательном центре «Зимняя вишня», произошедший в воскресенье, 25 марта, довел общественную и политическую напряженность в России до точки кипения.
New in French
France : une grève massive met en question les réformes de droite de Macron
Peter Schwarz et Eric London, 4 avril 2018
La grève des cheminots, qui a débuté lundi soir, est la plus grande épreuve de force à ce jour entre le président Emmanuel Macron et la classe ouvrière française.
Le Parti de l’égalité socialiste (UK) organise une réunion Internet pour les travailleurs de l’éducation et les étudiants
nos correspondents, 4 avril 2018
Le forum de la Riposte pour défendre l’éducation, intitulé « Non à la trahison du syndicat UCU ! Organiser des comités de base ! » a été suivi par les enseignants et étudiants en Grande-Bretagne.
New in Turkish
ABD’deki öğretmenlerin başkaldırısı yayılıyor
Joseph Kishore, 4 Nisan 2018
ABD’deki öğretmenlerin başkaldırısı, on binlerce öğretmenin, öğrencinin ve işçi sınıfından destekleyicilerin Oklahoma’daki ve Kentucky’deki büyük gösterilere katılmasıyla, Pazartesi günü yeni bir aşamaya girdi.
Ekvador Julian Assange’ı neden susturuyor?
Bill Van Auken, 4 Nisan 2018
Ekvadorlu yetkililer, WikiLeaks’in kurucusunun internete erişiminin yanı sıra, yaklaşık altı yıldır kapatıldığı Quito’nun Londra büyükelçiliğinden dışarıya tüm diğer iletişimini de engelledi.
ABD medyası İsrail’in Gazze’deki katliamı karşısında sessiz
Jean Shaoul ve Barry Grey, 4 Nisan 2018
Amerikan medyası, İsrail ordusunun Gazze’de silahsız ve barışçıl protestocuları topluca öldürmesini ve yaralamasını önemsiz bir olaymış gibi ele alıyor.
New in Spanish
La rebelión docente se expande al salir en huelga decenas de miles de maestros en Oklahoma y Kentucky
Por Joseph Kishore, 4 abril 2018
La expansión de las luchas docentes no solo exige la atención y apoyo de todos los trabajadores, sino su participación activa.
Grandes huelgas en Francia desafían las reformas derechistas de Macron
Por Peter Schwarz y Eric London, 4 abril 2018
La huelga de los ferroviarios, que empezó el lunes por la tarde, es la mayor prueba de fuerza hasta la fecha entre el Presidente Emmanuel Macron y la clase obrera francesa.
Condiciones sociales explosivas en España detrás de las medidas para crear un Estado policial
Por Vicky Short, 4 abril 2018
Detrás de las medidas de Estado policial que se están aplicando en España hay tensiones económicas, políticas y sociales que ahora también están encontrando expresión en un movimiento creciente de la clase trabajadora.
El New York Times encara a las “plagas” de los medios sociales
Por Andre Damon, 4 abril 2018
Farhad Manjoo, comentarista del New York Times, exige que el gobierno “arregle” de alguna manera los medios sociales para callar a la “horda” de los medios cibernéticos.
New in Norwegian
EU melder seg på Storbritannias hausing av antiRussland-kampanjen
Chris Marsden, 3 April 2018
Skripal-affæren blir brukt av Storbritannia og mektige stemmer i USAs politiske og militære etablissement for å presse de to vesentlige europeiske statene unna Russland.
Trussel om amerikansk angrep på Syria vokser med fallet av «opprører»-støttepunkt
Bill Van Auken, 3 April 2018
Den forestående fallet av Damaskus-forstaden Øst-Ghouta ledsages av Tyrkias overrulling av Afrin i nord, og det signaliserer et nytt stadium i den syv-år-lange syriske krigen.
London, NATO stepper opp krigstrusler mot Russland over Skripal-forgiftningen
Alex Lantier, 3 April 2018
NATO-myndigheter utstedte et sperreild av politiske og militære trusler mot Russland, en atomvåpenmakt, uten å gi noen bevis for sine påstander.
Spørsmålene tiltar om britiske påstander om ‘novitsjok’-gift i Skripal-saken
Alex Lantier, 3 April 2018
London har enda ikke presentert konkrete bevis som underbygger anklagene og det reiser spørsmålet om hvorvidt hele saken mot Russland er basert på løgner.
New in German
Amerikanische Medien schweigen über israelisches Massaker in Gaza
Jean Shaoul und Barry Grey, 3. April 2018
Führende amerikanische Medien, allen voran die New York Times, behandeln das Massaker des israelischen Militärs an unbewaffneten und friedlichen palästinensischen Demonstranten in Gaza als unbedeutendes Ereignis.
Frankreich: Machtprobe zwischen Macron und Eisenbahnern
Peter Schwarz, 3. April 2018
Der Eisenbahnerstreik, der Montagabend um 19 Uhr begann, gilt als bisher größte Machtprobe zwischen Präsident Emmanuel Macron und der französischen Arbeiterklasse.
„Berlin brennt“: Feuerwehrleute wehren sich gegen Sparpolitik von Rot-Rot-Grün
Carola Kleinert und Andy Niklaus, 3. April 2018
Mit einer Mahnwache protestieren Berliner Feuerwehrleute gegen katastrophale Arbeitsbedingungen, zu wenig Personal und die Einführung von Zwölf-Stunden Schichten.
Neues Anti-Terror- Zentrum in Berlin-Tempelhof
Tino Jacobson und Marianne Arens, 3. April 2018
Ab 2020 sollen im neuen Anti-Terror-Zentrum in Berlin- Tempelhof mehrere Eliteeinheiten eng zusammenarbeiten. Es ist ein weiterer Schritt im Aufbau eines Überwachungs- und Polizeistaates.
Eine politische Perspektive für die streikenden Dozenten und Studierenden in Großbritannien
unseren Reportern, 3. April 2018
Am Education Fightback Forum der Socialist Equality Party (SEP) mit dem Titel „Nein zum Verrat der UCU! Bildet Basiskomitees!“ nahmen Dozenten und Studenten aus ganz Großbritannien teil.
Other Languages
- Deutsch
- Die Festnahme Puigdemonts und der Aufbau eines europäischen Polizeistaats (27.03.2018)
- Die internationale Bedeutung der „March for Our Lives“-Demonstrationen (27.03.2018)
- Russland nach den Wahlen:
Oligarchie fordert „Reformen“ und Verhandlungen mit imperialistischen Mächten (27.03.2018) - SGP fordert sofortige Freilassung von Carles Puigdemont (26.03.2018)
- Hunderttausende Schüler demonstrieren gegen allgegenwärtige Gewalt in Amerika (26.03.2018)
- Ägyptische Wahlfarce: Ein neues Stadium der Konterrevolution (26.03.2018)
- Frankreich: Massenproteste gegen Macrons Austeritätskurs (26.03.2018)
- Boltons Berufung zum nationalen Sicherheitsberater unterstreicht Kriegskurs der Regierung Trump (26.03.2018)
- Datenskandal bei Facebook wird für Internetzensur missbraucht (24.03.2018)
- Die USA drohen mit Handelskrieg gegen China (24.03.2018)
- Français
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- Русский
- Português
- 中文
- >>
Trump proposes to deploy troops to US-Mexico border
4 April 2018
The deployment of the military on US soil to arrest or deter immigrants raises the specter of martial law and violates the basic democratic principle of posse comitatus.
Fifty years since the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
By Fred Mazelis, 4 April 2018
The life of Martin Luther King Jr., as well as his premature death, raise questions that have lost none of their urgency in the past five decades.
Democrats green-light Trump’s escalating war on immigrants
Gaza death toll mounts to 18 as US backs Israel’s massacre of Palestinians
By Bill Van Auken, 3 April 2018
US media’s silent complicity in Israeli massacre in Gaza
China imposes tariffs as trade war heats up
By Nick Beams, 3 April 2018
Sisi’s sham election and the fate of the Egyptian Revolution
By Bill Van Auken, 30 March 2018
Arts Review
The controversy surrounding the Roseanne television series
By David Walsh, 4 April 2018
The first two episodes of the new season, broadcast on ABC back to back on March 27, were watched by more than 20 million people. The network has announced plans for an 11th season.
68th Berlin International Film Festival—Part 7
A fresh look at German cinema in the Weimar Republic era (1919-1933)
By Bernd Reinhardt, 3 April 2018
Babylon Berlin: A lavish television series about 1920s’ Germany
By Sybille Fuchs, 2 April 2018
Vertigo: Sixty years since the release of Alfred Hitchcock’s disturbing classic
By Joanne Laurier, 30 March 2018
Paul Thomas Anderson’s Phantom Thread: Art for the artist’s sake
Socialist Equality Party
Halt the thuggery of non-academic union bureaucrats against WSWS reporters
By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 4 April 2018
A WSWS journalist and photographer was violently attacked by union officials at a meeting of striking non-academic employees in the Colombo suburbs on March 27.
SEP 2018 election campaign
Socialist Equality Party announces California candidates in midterm elections
Statement of the Socialist Equality Party
3 April 2018
David Moore, SEP candidate for the US Senate, and Kevin Mitchell, SEP candidate in the 51st Congressional District, will run on a socialist, anti-war and anti-capitalist program in the interests of the working class in California and around the world.
Public meetings in California: The Socialist Equality Party campaign in the 2018 midterm elections
3 April 2018
Organizing Resistance to Internet Censorship
Claims by Cambridge Analytica whistleblower used for new electoral investigation into Brexit
By Julie Hyland, 3 April 2018
Palantir Technologies: A “CIA-backed startup”
By Julie Hyland, 3 April 2018
The New York Times takes on the social media “hordes”
By Andre Damon, 3 April 2018
“The people are behind you!”
Students, faculty and staff at University of Michigan oppose persecution of Julian Assange
By Zac Corrigan, 3 April 2018
Journalists, filmmakers, artists demand end to persecution of Julian Assange
2 April 2018
Why has Ecuador silenced Julian Assange?
By Bill Van Auken, 31 March 2018
WSWS/SEP/IYSSE public meetings
Organizing Resistance to Internet Censorship
April 8, public meeting in Chennai, India
Oppose Internet censorship! Defend freedom of speech!
For an international coalition to fight Internet censorship
An open letter from the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site to socialist, anti-war, left-wing and progressive websites, organizations and activists
23 January 2018
Workers Struggles
Workers Struggles: The Americas
4 April 2018
The treatment of temporary workers is a major outstanding issue in a walkout by 1,300 Labrador City ironworkers against the Iron Ore Company of Canada.
US Appeals Court acknowledges UAW lied to Toledo Jeep workers
By Shannon Jones, 30 March 2018
Maruti Suzuki workers hold protest demanding release of 13 framed-up colleagues
By Saman Gunadasa, 21 March 2018
Education Fightback Forum
Socialist Equality Party (UK) holds online meeting for education workers and students
By our reporters, 2 April 2018
Education Fightback forum hears special needs teacher: “A 30 percent increase in class size with the same level of staffing”
By our reporters, 2 April 2018
Education Fightback forum:UK lecturer speaks on casualisation of Higher Education sector
By our reporters, 2 April 2018
This week in history: April 2-April 8
At 12:30 a.m., April 5, 1918, Robert Prager, a German-born coal miner, was strung to a tree and hung until dead by a crowd estimated at 200 near the southern Illinois mining town of Collinsville.
WSWS 20th Anniversary Fund
Donate to support coverage of mass rallies!
The WSWS and the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE) organized real-time social media news coverage of the mass rallies against the epidemic of school shootings in the US, and provided a political perspective for a new generation of workers and young people entering into political life.
Donate now so that we can continue this work!
Protest Against School Shootings in the US
Tens of thousands protest mass shootings in New York, Michigan, Boston and the southern United States
By Tom Hall, 27 March 2018
“This can be turned around by people who want to build a new society”
California: Protesters denounce war and social inequality
By our reporters, 27 March 2018
“I am motivated to make that change for our future generations”
Students, youth speak about war, inequality at DC March for Our Lives rally
“No more wars, no more violence!”
Over 80,000 youth and students in Chicago protest against mass violence
The international significance of the March for Our Lives demonstrations
By Eric London, 26 March 2018
The protests against school shootings and the growth of the class struggle
Now available from Mehring Books
New pamphlet: The social and political roots of mass shootings in America
By Shannon Jones, 24 March 2018
There is a growing awareness that something is deeply amiss with the present social order.
Mehring Books
Mehring Books publishes The Struggle against Imperialism and For Workers’ Power in Iran
24 March 2018
The pamphlet addresses pivotal issues of socialist strategy in a country that for decades has been a target of US imperialist intrigue and aggression, and where the working class, as heralded by the protests that opened 2018, is now striving to find the road of independent class struggle.
NHS Fightback
NHS FightBack: Reject health trade unions’ sellout NHS pay deal!
Statement by the Socialist Equality Party, 23 March 2018
Lenin, Trotsky and the Marxism of the October Revolution
By David North, 19 March 2018
David North, chairperson of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site and of the Socialist Equality Party (US), delivered this lecture at the University of Leipzig on March 16.
The CIA and the Democratic Party
The CIA takeover of the Democratic Party
By Patrick Martin, 13 March 2018
The entry of dozens of intelligence and military veterans into this year’s congressional primaries amounts to a takeover of the Democratic Party by the CIA and Pentagon.
The CIA Democrats: Part one
By Patrick Martin, 7 March 2018
International Youth and Students for Social Equality
Join the International Youth and Students for Social Equality! Take up the fight for socialism!
By the IYSSE (Australia), 14 March 2018
The International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE) distributed the following statement at university orientation week events across Australia and in New Zealand.
Twenty years of the WSWS
Twenty years of the World Socialist Web Site: 1998–2018
By David North and Joseph Kishore, 14 February 2018
As the WSWS marks its 20th anniversary of daily posting, it is taking the lead in exposing the conspiracy by governments and corporations to censor the Internet as the ruling class prepares for war and domestic repression.
Autoworkers Struggles
Four months since the death of a young Ford worker
Still no serious investigation into death of Jacoby Hennings
By Jerry White, 22 February 2018
Get Involved!
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- For an international coalition to fight Internet censorship
- An open letter to Google: Stop the censorship of the Internet! Stop the political blacklisting of the World Socialist Web Site!
- The Russian meddling fraud: Weapons of mass destruction revisited
- New York Times exploits Parkland tragedy to escalate anti-Russian campaign
- WSWS Chairperson David North interviewed on Chris Hedges’ “On Contact”
- US Federal Communications Commission sets end date for net neutrality
Recent Perspectives
- Trump proposes to deploy troops to US-Mexico border (04/04/2018)
- Teachers’ rebellion spreads as tens of thousands strike in Oklahoma and Kentucky (03/04/2018)
- US media’s silent complicity in Israeli massacre in Gaza (02/04/2018)
- Why has Ecuador silenced Julian Assange? (31/03/2018)
- Sisi’s sham election and the fate of the Egyptian Revolution (30/03/2018)
Most Read Over the Past 7 Days
- Why has Ecuador silenced Julian Assange? (31/03/2018)
- Yulia Skripal “improving rapidly”: The unravelling of the Russian Novichok narrative (31/03/2018)
- The poisoning of Skripal and the campaign against Russia (28/03/2018)
- PayPal blocks sale of WSWS pamphlet (29/03/2018)
- US media’s silent complicity in Israeli massacre in Gaza (02/04/2018)
The Editor recommends
- An interview with David North—Socialism or Barbarism: Reflections on Global Disorder (03/01/2018)
- The bicentenary of Marx’s birth, socialism and the resurgence of the international class struggle (03/01/2018)
- Final reflections on the centennial year of the October Revolution (30/12/2017)
- The CIA takeover of the Democratic Party (13/03/2018)
- The lawless frontier of the #MeToo campaign (07/03/2018)
- Foreign “meddling” in elections—Yankee imperialist style (06/03/2018)
- The growing threat of global trade war (24/02/2018)
- Still no serious investigation into death of Jacoby Hennings (22/02/2018)
- The struggle against imperialism and for workers’ power in Iran (14/02/2018)
- UAW contracts must be declared null and void (07/02/2018)
Lectures and Essays by David North
- Socialism and the centenary of the Russian Revolution: 1917-2017 (01/03/2017)
- Georgi Valentinovich Plekhanov (1856–1918): His Place in the History of Marxism (12/05/2016)
- Philosophy and Politics in an Age of War and Revolution (10/25/2016)
- A Quarter Century of War: The US Drive for Global Hegemony 1990–2016 (07/11/2016)
Socialism and the Struggle Against War
- ICFI Resolution: Socialism and the fight against war (02/18/2016)
- SEP (US) Resolution: The fight against war and the political tasks of the SEP (08/25/2014)
- SEP (Australia) Resolution: The Socialist Equality Party and the fight to build an international anti-war movement (07/27/2016)
- SEP (Sri Lanka) Resolution: The political struggle against war and the tasks of the Socialist Equality Party (04/30/2016)
- PSG(Germany) Resolution: The struggle against war and the tasks of the PSG (11/14/2014)
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