Hitler Secret 1942 Voice Recording."Guesswork Documentary"

Published on Jan 30, 2012
Hitler Secret 1942 Voice Recording without add-ons:
Warning: Dictator Hitler videos are high power magnets which attract worthless comments from totally uneducated illiterate morons. Even if your English language skills are limited, it doesn't hurt to have a civilised debate.

Hitler was a megalomaniac dictator and many Germans got carried away by his promises to make Germany great again after the humiliation of the Versailles treaty. The tragedy is that many Germans did not at all want him in power. For many Germans the horror of the dictator's iron fist rule was clearly foreseeable. During his 4500 days in power his crazy ideas totally ruined many millions of lives.

This is a manipulative video which pretends to examine the implications of a secretly made recording from 1942 of the first 11 minutes of Adolf Hitler's private conversation with Finland's General Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim.

Viewers can make up their own mind about what they hear, especially if they don't understand German absolutely perfectly. The commentary is similar to many other war related propaganda films produced by biased USA "historians" for brainwashing future generations. The pot calling the kettle black.

Be selective about what parts, if any, you accept as truth and what you reject as biased conjecture. Even the type of music producers use has a profound effect on how visual content comes across. I often switch off audio and make up my mind based on what the camera has captured. For other videos i.e. Nurnberg trials, just listen to the audio. At the end of the day it's a combination of parts of different videos and books which will give the best overall understanding of any historic event.

Fundamental divisions amongst totally confused viewers become obvious when reading the comments in this or any of the hundreds of similar war documentaries on YouTube. Most comments strings for WW2 videos inevitably turn into a war of words between pro and anti Zionists. Hare brain comments which are made purely for the sake of causing offence will be removed.

Contrary to suggestions Hitler made many speeches in which he spoke with a fairly normal tone of voice. Example:


During the visit, an engineer of the Finnish broadcasting company YLE, Thor Damen, succeeded in recording the first 11 minutes of Hitler's and Mannerheim's private conversation. This had to be done secretly, as Hitler never allowed others to record him off-guard. Damen was given the assignment to record the official birthday speeches and Mannerheim's responses and following those orders added microphones to certain railway cars.

Unfortunately, Mannerheim and his guests chose to go to a car that didn't have a microphone in it. Damen acted quickly, pushing a microphone through one of the car windows to a netshelf just above where Hitler and Mannerheim were sitting. After 11 minutes of Hitler's and Mannerheim's private conversation, Hitler's SS bodyguards spotted the cords coming out of the window and realized that the Finnish engineer was recording the conversation. They gestured to him to stop recording immediately, and he complied. The SS bodyguards demanded that the tape be immediately destroyed, but YLE was allowed to keep the reel, after promising to keep it in a sealed container. It was given to the head of the state censors' office Kustaa Vilkuna and in 1957 returned to YLE. It was made available to the public a few years later. It is the only known recording of Hitler speaking in an unofficial tone.

There is an unsubstantiated story that during his meeting with Hitler, Mannerheim lit a cigar. Mannerheim supposed that Hitler would ask Finland for help against the Soviet Union, which Mannerheim was unwilling to give. When Mannerheim lit up, all in attendance gasped, for Hitler's aversion to smoking was well known. Yet Hitler continued the conversation calmly, with no comment. In this way, Mannerheim could judge if Hitler was speaking from a position of strength or weakness. He was able to refuse Hitler, knowing that Hitler was in a weak position, and could not dictate to him.

COMMENTS • 2,876

 Pinned by RØL G
funny (actually more sad than funny) to read all the Hitler fanboy/fangirl comments, getting all worked up how their beloved Fuehrer became victim of this horrible, horrible piece of History channel low budget production. LMAO, yes, it was all a big unfortunate misunderstanding, everybody so evil except innocent Adolf and gang, and oh would the world not be just marvelous had Hitler won the war
Rudolf the tall white Alien 
Hitler did not say in this recording Russen workers are animals. He sayed they had to work hard like animals. Stick to the truth
Arische Ehefrau 
this is bullshit propaganda im suing
'Absolute evil' lol this makes it more of a propaganda film than a documentary, where is the objectivity. You could say the same then about the allies, dropping atom bombs on a civilian population is more evil than anything.
Anne Wolfe 
So when they (Hitler and Germany) speak with their then ally (Finland) it's an act of "evil manipulation" but when we (US/UK) meet with statistically the most murderous man in history (Stalin) it's gallant and necessary diplomacy? This "accurate and unbiased" documentary isn't even trying...
Let me guess, this documentary tells us that Hitler was an evil man with one testicle that tried to turn 6666 gorillion Jews into lampshades for no reason.
S. Hardy 
They speak of Hitler like he was bad or something. I don't get it.
Norm Kid 
You must be very careful about these sort of documentaries, as they are extremely biased and dishonest. For instance, consider 7:45 when the narrator speaks about Roosevelt in a morally righteous light, attempting to prevent war. And Hitler is mocked as partaking in a "twisted, standup comic routine". But the context is not explained properly: In the letter, Roosevelt (and his British and French cronies) attempt to persuade Hitler to not intervene in "independent" nations, but the reason Hitler makes a joke out of it and the crowd laughs is because within the letter, Palestine, Syria, Egypt and Iran are mentioned; these were not independent nations, rather, they were Middle Eastern colonies that the British and French had used trickery and deceit to overtake following WW1. There was even a Palestinian rebellion for independence taking place against the British at the time, and this is why the crowd laughs so hard when Palestine is mentioned. Hitler was exposing the shameless hypocrisy of THEIR telling HIM not to interfere with others, but the narrator wants you to think it's just Hitler being a sadistic bastard!
Bul Mnstr 
Allot of american bullshit trying to make hitler look that he wanted everything for him self. Do a bit of reseach and u will know what im talking about
I wonder whenever we will ever see a video documentary about the 66 million white christian russians who were killed in the Soviet Union.
D Budai 
talk about propaganda.... this documentary is a fine example.
nathan price 
America drops nukes on Japanese cities, and Hitler's the mad man, lol
irina pivtchev 
the only madness we know is the allies and how they lied and killed thousands
Vesa Hugh Nell 
So you couldn't just play the tape and shut up? Pganda robot.
Laughably inept anti-German propaganda: the Zionists need to raise their propaganda game. Here is an example: @ 42:59 the narrator asserts that, "Hitler casually refers to the Soviet workers as animals", trying to give the impression that Hitler regarded them as sub-human. If you read the translation, Hitler is saying that the workers in this giant tank factory are FORCED to live like animals, not that Hitler regarded them as animals.

Thank you to the cathedral fools who posted this video, which reveals truths about Russia and Stalin's geopolitical imperatives that CONFIRM the National Socialist version of the Soviet/German conquest, a version that is further being confirmed by post-Communist Soviet researchers. 
The winners write history!
Are these guys serious?
It's obvious Hitler was reffering to the working and living conditions of the factory workers which may have been okay for Soviet standards, but not so great by German standards. What he was saying was that the workers were treated like animals BY THE SOVIET OFFICIALS!
And what the documentary has to say about it: "Oh, he thought they were animals!!! He expressed his superiority complex once again!!!! GOD, Hitler was the devil himself".
Mark Kamphuis 
So biased, this is laughable.
So many lies. Lies on top of lies. For what purpose I often wonder. What are they so afraid of? The more lies they tell, the harder I seek the truth. I'm drawn to it like a moth to a flame.
Charles McCarron 
The propaganda never stops!