(Nota Bene - since 2017 is widely regarded - particularly in this "feste Burg" of Lutheranism - as the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, this year we are doing a monthly topic on the Reformation, focusing on the influence of the Reformation on the development and practice of the ideas of individual and economic liberty. Whether you are a heretic, papist, or even an infidel, you are welcome to come and join our discussion!)
In order to understand many of the conflicts and disputes that were central to the Protestant Reformation, we must go back in time to the early centuries of Christianity, as many, if not most, of the issues that caused the western church to reach a breaking point in the 16th century had been thorns in the side (so to speak) of church belief and practice for many centuries.
Many reformers, in particular the most radical reformers, believed that one of the main root causes of the corruption of the church was when the Christian religion changed, within a few short decades, from being an illegal religion subject to periodic persecution to the chosen religion of the Roman emperors and elite, with corresponding legal and economic benefits.
This month we will do a quick overview of roughly 1000 years of church history, beginning with the first Council of Nicaea, the first church council where a Roman emperor presided, and end at the start of the 14th century, when, for reasons of expediency (not the least being the swords - and the gold - of the French king), the papacy moved from Rome to a little town in southeastern France called Avignon.
Next month we'll look at some of the proto-Reformation movements of the 14th and 15th centuries.
Lots Of Roman LARPing - https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=deioHlBslEQ
It's Just A Matter Of Time - https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=p1EmxOUewo4
You Must Choose, But Choose Wisely - https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=A0TalLrtZ24
Penitenziagite! - https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=wv8Puk7gOx4
Self-Discipline - http:// www.historyofphilosophy.net /asceticism
Help Wanted - Augustine on Freedom - http:// www.historyofphilosophy.net /augustine-freedom
The City of God - http:// www.historyofphilosophy.net /augustine-city-of-god
Robot Hell - https://youtu.be/ suMrXoG2HSo
Decline And Fall - Read It - http:// oll.libertyfund.org/titles/ gibbon-the-history-of-the-d ecline-and-fall-of-the-rom an-empire-12-vols
In Hoc Signo Vinces - https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/ First_Council_of_Nicaea
Three In One - https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Arianism
The Little Wolf - https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Ulfilas
The Father Of All Monks - https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Anthony_the_Great
Nika! - https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Nika_riots
Islam As Christian Heresy? - http:// www.intellectualtakeout.org /blog/ islam-actually-christian-he resy
Ikonoklastes - https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Byzantine_Iconoclasm
Fourth Crusade - https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Fourth_Crusade
Stupor Mundi - https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/ Frederick_II,_Holy_Roman_Em peror
The Warrior Banksters - https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Knights_Templar
Benedetto - https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Pope_Boniface_VIII
Unam Sanctam - https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Unam_sanctam
Inferno - https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Inferno_(Dante)
Bizniz is Bizniz - https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Avignon_Papacy
In order to understand many of the conflicts and disputes that were central to the Protestant Reformation, we must go back in time to the early centuries of Christianity, as many, if not most, of the issues that caused the western church to reach a breaking point in the 16th century had been thorns in the side (so to speak) of church belief and practice for many centuries.
Many reformers, in particular the most radical reformers, believed that one of the main root causes of the corruption of the church was when the Christian religion changed, within a few short decades, from being an illegal religion subject to periodic persecution to the chosen religion of the Roman emperors and elite, with corresponding legal and economic benefits.
This month we will do a quick overview of roughly 1000 years of church history, beginning with the first Council of Nicaea, the first church council where a Roman emperor presided, and end at the start of the 14th century, when, for reasons of expediency (not the least being the swords - and the gold - of the French king), the papacy moved from Rome to a little town in southeastern France called Avignon.
Next month we'll look at some of the proto-Reformation movements of the 14th and 15th centuries.
Lots Of Roman LARPing - https://www.youtube.com/
It's Just A Matter Of Time - https://www.youtube.com/
You Must Choose, But Choose Wisely - https://www.youtube.com/
Penitenziagite! - https://www.youtube.com/
Self-Discipline - http://
Help Wanted - Augustine on Freedom - http://
The City of God - http://
Robot Hell - https://youtu.be/
Decline And Fall - Read It - http://
In Hoc Signo Vinces - https://en.wikipedia.org/
Three In One - https://en.wikipedia.org/
The Little Wolf - https://en.wikipedia.org/
The Father Of All Monks - https://en.wikipedia.org/
Nika! - https://en.wikipedia.org/
Islam As Christian Heresy? - http://
Ikonoklastes - https://en.wikipedia.org/
Fourth Crusade - https://en.wikipedia.org/
Stupor Mundi - https://en.wikipedia.org/
The Warrior Banksters - https://en.wikipedia.org/
Benedetto - https://en.wikipedia.org/
Unam Sanctam - https://en.wikipedia.org/
Inferno - https://en.wikipedia.org/
Bizniz is Bizniz - https://en.wikipedia.org/
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