Thursday, September 22, 2016

Edward Snowden Who Really Rules The United States ✪ Blow Your Mind ✪

Posted: 21 Sep 2016 06:34 PM PDT

The Way of We

You are the Self-That-Is-Becoming,
A precious Spark of the One Divine Flame.
Your Journey, your Awakening,
Is formed and forged by those with whom you travel
For as much as you are a very special “one” indeed,
You are truly formed by all these other special ones too.

The Hierarchy that is Life-Consciousness-Spirit is the same,
From the infinitesimals to the Galactic Lords and beyond.
All have been made by one another; and all are held together in the One.
From the beginning, and as we greet one another again and again,
Your journey is this story of the ONE made by the many ones,
Singing their Songs of Togetherness, making their way back home.

The Circle of the Living Ones, what you know as the Signs of the Zodiac,
Holds and forms the Twelve-Fold Archetypal energies playing through Creation.
And though every sign and energy-form are forever-present and active
In you and throughout all of this Creation too,
It is wise to listen to the intimations of Spirit, to listen when the Winds of Spirit call.
It is Time now to Consider the Sacred Space I and Thou,
To cross that mysterious Portal that is Libra,
To move into that space you create together, the Sacred Space of We.

For every speck and mote of this Creation, every being, world and Galactic System has at its core a spark of the one Divine Flame. And this core of Light and Love anchors the Sacred Space within which that being abides. That by this Sacred Center of Love-Light every Life-Consciousness-Spirit finds their own center and yet equally their essential connection to one another too. For what abides in that center of one and all is the silver chord of connection to the One Divine Light. Truly we are inseparable, because of our origin in the One, and through all our many Lives and Loves we are held together by the One.

Yet you are “separate” too, and you will encounter one another in your journey, time and time again, you in your space and they in theirs. You must not trespass upon them, nor they upon you. But you will find that you must come together in some way so as to form your experiences of one another, and by this you will shape and form one another too. This Dance of Spirit, where you will play and learn, where you will strive to be for you and for them too, where you will grow beyond yourself and become what you are meant to be, this is that sacred space of We, this is the sacred realm of Libra.

It is here in the shared spaces of Libra that you will create, share, love and grow…together. You will elicit from one another a greater understanding of yourself and of your world as you compare, contrast and combine your perceptions and sensibilities, match and meet your needs through one another and fulfill your hopes and dreams of one another by abiding by the sacred principle that governs all relationship in this universe.

This is Truth: Whatever, whomever you encounter in this space of We is another just like you. In fact, in their heart of hearts they are already of you and you are of them. This law, founded by your origin in and of the One, and bound together by your sacred center that is a spark of this One, means that before me is another sparkling dew-drop of the one Divine Light. To bring about or cause harm to this or any other is to irrevocably do equal harm to myself. This is The Law of Karma, whatever you create, whatever action, feeling or thought you make will return to you. Thus follows the injunction of relationship found in all the sacred teachings:

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
For you are all related, and what you do to the least of these,
You do unto me, The One.
Be guided by the Principle of Libra, be guided by the Truth of Love.
For you are of the One, and your Heart is pure Love.
To the one who is before you,
To the One that is always within,
Bow you head, lift your heart
Speak the Truth, Be your Truth,

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